Traditionally it was "Left is right, right is wrong" meaning the left ear is for heterosexuals and the right ear is for homosexuals .
These days guys pierce either ear or both and it doesn't mean anything more than they like piercings.
Whichever one they want pierced. Don't listen to that crap about the "gay ear".
The left ear should be the correct ear to be pierced. If you get your left ear pierced your not gay if you get your right you are gay but if you get both it means nothing.
If a guy gets his right ear pierced it means he is somewhat gay. If both ears happen to be pierced then he is also gay. So be sure when a guy gets his ear pierced that he gets his left pierced.
No I have plenty of male clients who have ear cartilage piercing and they are not gay.
No such thing.
Because they are to chicken to get both of them done. Bottom line the whole left right ear thing means nothing, many men are sporting both ears pierced and it means nothing other than a style statement. Left ear piercing was meant to indicate they were not gay or are gay or they are just trying to be hard core, but it means nothing other than being a pierced ear.
contrary to popular misbelief there is no gay straight side to ear cartilage or ear lobe piercing.
There used to be a standard that guys with their right ears pierced were gay and their left ears pierced were straight. It doesn't have to mean anything. And that is really outdated.
Whichever they want. That whole "gay ear" thing is ridiculous
The whole gay not gay thing doesn't apply to body piercing, it's dead and gone. Many people have both ears pierced and some just have left or right but to imply this has anything to do with sexual orientation is the same as profiling (it's just wrong).
I have heard that in some social circles, a pierced right ear on a man indicates that he is gay, while a left earring indicates that he is a sailor (or just fashionable). Both ears pierced on a man doesn't tend to imply anything. Straight men may also opt for nipple piercings, tongue piercings, nose piercings, etc, without having people think they're gay. In other words, if you're male and really concerned that people will think of you as gay, avoid the right ear.