Yes god does like blue better than red.
It is all a matter of your personal opinion. I think blue and red or both equal, and neither is better than the other. Blue because blue+yellow=GREEN!
because blue dye is better than red
It depends on the shades of the blue red and purple. If the purple is more red, go with red. If more blue, go with blue.
to say Pokemon red
red is the best color
Blue, No! Red! "Wooahhhhh!" (Movie quotes, gotta love them). Better as far as color goes is a subjective matter. There is no definitive answer. Of course if you are wondering as relates to the color of blood, red is always better.
really red love yellow and blue but i thinkk he love blue most cause she is better for him
she likes red.
Answer blue is sighn of victory and red is for luv afffection.and current time by hook or by crook victory prefered by everybody so blue better than red Neither is 'better', they are simply different.