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Q: Which is also known as the birth canal?
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Also know as the birth canal?

The vagina is also known as the birth canal.

Is also known as birth canal?


What is also referred to as the birth canal?


Which orafice is a baby born from?

A baby is born through the vaginal opening, also known as the birth canal.

What is the birth name of Dave Canal?

Dave Canal's birth name is David Canal.

What is the gastrointestinal tract also known as?

It is also known as the ailmentary tract or ailmentary canal.

Where is the birth canal widest?

The birth canal is widest at the end where the baby comes out.

What is the membrane that protects a child in a mothers womb?

the answer is vagina. this can also called birth canal. Amniotic sack comes to mind as the membrane. The birth canal is a complex organ.

What is the birth name of Juan Manuel Canal?

Juan Manuel Canal's birth name is Juan Manuel Canal Bohrquez.

What is the digestive system also known as?

The Alimentary System.

What is Panama known for?

Panama is known for the Panama Canal.

What happens halfway through the birth canal?

Halfway through the birth canal there are contraction that leads to the baby being pushed out.