.22 Long Rifle. If that's not practical for what you're hunting, then you'd need to let us know what it is you intend to hunt in order for something more practical to be recommended.
H&R Handi-Rifle
Large caliber rifle.
Benjamin (Owned by Crosman) has a new Benjamin Rogue it is a .357 caliber. At present it will be the largest Pellet rifle made with the Benjamin name. Yes it is a hunting rifle. The next largest Benjamin rifle is the Benjamin Marauder .25 caliber. Sam Yang make a 50 caliber and a 44 caliber hunting air rifle.
Winchester 94 in 30-30 caliber.
That would depend on the caliber, and type of bullet, the rifle uses.
It is most likely to be a .32 caliber rifle since it uses .32 caliber ammo
Winchester 94 in 30-30 caliber.
Shotgun with buckshot, 30 caliber rifle, etc.
It looks like if it is a centerfire caliber you can use it. So, yes you can use a .223 caliber rifle.
Well, it is a rifle, but dozens of companies make rifles in .243 caliber.
One you can shoot accurately that meets or exceeds your state's minimum caliber restriction.