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the tongue

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Q: Which heals faster the tongue or the eye?
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What heals faster the eyes or mouth?

the eyes

Can you kiss when you get your tongue peirced?

yes. but not before the wound from the piercing heals.

What makes the tongue faster?

Tongue excercises is the way to go!!!

Which structure heals faster bones or cartilages and why?

Bones heal faster because they have a better blood supply.

What to do about eye injury?

If its really bad, go see the Doc. If not, just put some ice on it, and hope it heals, ladies and gentlemen. Hope it heals.

What is the eye and tongue examples of?


Is your tongue the fastest healing source in your body?

Yes it is because since your mouth contains so much moisture, it heals faster than expected than other body parts... I should know because recently, I bit my tongue and a piece of my tongue came off, and it only took 3 days to heal... I also skinned my knee and it took 10 weeks to heal, while my tongue took 3 days... So yes, your tongue IS the fastest healing source in your body.

Which heals faster a broken ankle bone or a sprained ankle?

A sprained ankle typically heals faster than a broken ankle. The recovery time for a broken ankle can be several weeks to months, while a sprained ankle usually improves within a few days to a couple of weeks with proper rest and treatment.

Would it be bad to leave your needle in your tongue while it heals if you don't have a tongue ring?

Yes it would be very dangerous, the chances of swallowing the needle would be highly probable.

Is it possible once you start brushing the back of your tongue even if you stop later more bacteria will now develop on back of tongue bc it was roughed up with the toothbrush and isn't as smooth?

Brushing the top of your tongue will not create any permanent change in the texture of your tongue. The tongue heals rapidly.

How do you heel a burn on your tongue faster?

Yes oral wounds heal faster.

Does exercising your tongue make you run faster?
