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Well, to my knowledge, there isn't one, but there is a machine gun that can shoot approx. 300 rounds per second; the M-134 minigun.

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How many rounds a minute does a Minigun shoot?

The U.S. Minigun is the fastest shooting gun in the world (I may be mistaken). It shoots over 3,000 rounds per minute (RPM)! That's 50 rounds per second!

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How many bullets per second can an average machine gun shoot?

anywhere between 3.2 and 12 on a newer machine gun. WW2 weapons such as Browning M3 "grease gun" and Thompson submachine gun could fire at a rate of 5 to 12.5 rounds per Second. The German medium machine gun, MG42, had a rate of 25 rounds per second. The modern US M-60 evloved from this gun. Later guns such as AK-47 and M-16 could fire from 12 to 15 rounds per second.

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100 rounds per second. do the math- 6000 round per minute divided it by 60 and you have 100.

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Because of the possibility of blowing up the barrels, it is not recommended for safety reasons.

How many bullets per second does a Mickey Thompson gun fire per second?

The early Thompson sub-machine gun fired at up to 1200 rounds per minute, which translates into 20 rounds per second. Later versions fired at 600-720 rounds per minute, giving a rate of 10-12 rounds per second.

How fast can a mini gun shoot?

@50rounds a second.

Is there such a gun that can fire 60 bullets per second?

Yes. There is a gun called the M-134 minigun that shoots approx. 300 rounds per second.

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@ 750 rounds per second per barrel

Can a paintball gun shoot 20 balls per second?

Yes. In fact some can shoot over thirty.