Mr. Hodes is not very happy! you are getting a ZERO on this ESSAYS!
London had a monopoly on the slave trade until the late 17th century. From then on Liverpool in the North West and Bristol in the South West were the two ports most heavily involved
The slave trade was so important because it strengthened the british empire. the country producing sugar traded their sugar with us and we traded whatever they wanted from britian to them. Sugar was in demand and so the slave trade was important to keep on getting that sugar. This was also the case for crops etc.
The transatlantic slave trade emerged from a variety of factors. The economy of the Americas was heavily dependent on production and export of field crops. The land owners were generally unskilled in hard manual labor, especially in the climate, and remained susceptible to many diseases in the Americas. African slaves were a cheap and hardy labor force. The European countries supplying the populace to the New World needed to ensure economic success for future expansion.
slaves hence the name Atlantic SLAVE trade
Southern planters required a low cost source of labor to harvest crops. As a result, they became customers of the Triangular Slave Trade and introduced African slaves into the colonies. These slaves, from various parts of Africa, contributed to the culture of the south and helped to make it ethnically diverse.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.
They used slave labor to produce cash crops.