In America, slaves were imported from Africa, hence why people of color are called African Americans today.
Because the Africans were offering them for sale and there was a market for them in America (they were not imported into Europe).
Im not quite sure, but i've been told before that its Brazil.
In America, slaves were imported from Africa, hence why people of color are called African Americans today.
larde number of african slaves were imported
Slaves were imported to the slavemaster took them to.
Portugal was the leader. Exporting 5,074,900. Which is 46% of the total slaves being exported from Europe. America imported about 340,000. Most coming from Portugal.
European settlers, Asian imported labourers, African slaves.
600,000, or 5 to 7 percent of all Africans exported into slavery.
Because the Africans were offering them for sale and there was a market for them in America (they were not imported into Europe).