USA has the largest number of facebook users with 101,303,240 users followed by UK with 22,625,300 users.
Which Country has 3rd largest users of internet?
Facebook users like Facebook, their number is in billions and it is increasing everyday.
United States of America
According to Facebook, there are currently 500 million active Facebook users. That's about 200 million more people than number registered users on RuneScape. Also about 494 million more people than number registered users on Minecraft. More recent studies show facebook have now over 750,000,000. July 2011
As of January 2011, Facebook has more than 600 million active users. And If facebook were a country, it would be the third most populated.
With 538,000,000 Internet users, China has the largest Internet provider. The United States comes in second with 245 million users, which is 78 percent of the country.
There are a lot of people on Facebook. Today there are over 700 million users. It is the site with the most users in the world. If Facebook was a country, it would be the second-most populated in the world. When 'The Social Network', the film about Facebook, came out, at the end credits there was a notice saying it had over 500 million users. So, Facebook is growing massively.
yes facebook Is indeed growing at the astounding rate of about five million new users a week.... facebook and myspace are the most used of that type of website.It's indeed growing fast...but not this fast. And also besides the number of new users, the more important thing is the number of active users.
Currently the number of active facebook users are more than 8 million. But it is expected that in 2012 this number may rise to 1 billion in 2012
Facebook monitoring helps to improve your business and social media marketing strategy in every country. Currently, there are 7965400 Facebook users in the Pakistan, which makes it #28 in the ranking of allFacebook statistics by Country.