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I've heard that the Japanese eats the healthiest because they eat small portions at a time; it helps them control their hunger. And guess what? the Japanese also enjoy sweets! from ice cream to cookies to pastries. the thing about how they eat is that sweets are like regular meals for them. so everything they eat, they eat in portions..they don't overdo their eating as much as we Americans do. so yea, so far, I've heard that Japan eats the healthiest. i mean, there may be many out there, but Japan is all I've got.

1) they eat rice

2) they eat fish

3) they eat in small portions

4) breakfast is especially the most important meal of the day for them as of for everyone

5) sweets too-but only in small portions

6) do NOT overdo their eating

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Q: Which country eats a healthier diet and why?
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