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Southern Colonies.

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Q: Which colonies relied most on slave labor?
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Related questions

What contributed most of the success of the southern colonies?

the succes of the southern colonies relied on the cash crops of tobaco and cotton

Why were southern an Caribbean colonies most dependent on slave labor?

Their climate an soil were suited to large farms

Why were southern and Caribbean colonies most depended on slave labor?

Their climate an soil were suited to large farms

Which colonies relied most heavily on plantations?

southern colonies

What American colonies relied on slavery the most?

The colonies in which there was much land work to be done in order to keep a steady income. This meant that people (usually white males) who owned large farms and needed cheap labor would hire slaves in order to fill their needs for production.

How did the economy of the north and south differ?

The Northern and Southern economies differed during the 18th and 19th centuries. For the most part, the Southern states were most agrarian and relied on slave labor. The Northern states were more industrialized and relied on individual labor. Additionally the North grew wheat and barley.

Why did the southern colonies use the most slave labor?

The southern colonies were the only colonies that slave labor was actually profitable because they had a large amount of crops. The wealthy landownsers, who could buy several slaves, could house the slaves in their large plantation homes.

What is one explanation for the American colonies' need for slave labor from Africa?

Most enslaved Native Americans died from disease or overwork.

Why were southern Caribbean colonies most dependent on slave labor?

Most of the Caribbean islands were used to grow sugarcane and sugarcane is very labor intensive, as a result, large numbers of slaves were brought to the Caribbean Islands to grow and maintain sugarcane. This made the Caribbean economy heavily dependent on slave labor.

Why was there so little investment in industry in the south?

Because most of it was slave labor. And slave labor was in the process of being abolished.

Which English relied most heavily on shipping and shipbuilding?

Its either The chesapeake colonies New England colonies mid atlantic colonies southern colonies HELP WHICH ONE?

What is correct about Virginia?

a. Virginia, like most other Middle Colonies, was a large rice producer. b. It mainly produced fish and timber with no slave labor. c. Tobacco was one of its early cash crops. d. Virginia's early economy focused on the production of manufactured goods with no slave labor in the colony.