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Inherited (or genetic) causes. Inborn errors of metabolism are genetic, and require serious medical interventions quite often.

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Q: Which cause of fat is least controllable?
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Can fat sparing area in liver cause a disease?

I believe a fatty liver can cause disease but it could be from something controllable. It sounds like you're leaving out info needed to accurately answer your question.

Is payroll cost a controllable cost?

payroll is not controllable cost.

What is a sentence for the word controllable?

I have several sentences for you.That horse is not controllable.The scientific variable is controllable in the laboratory.I want a controllable temper!

Which steak cut has the least fat content?

Filet mignon is the steak cut with the least fat content.

Is electricity cost a controllable cost?

Electricity cost not a controllable cost. The manager cannot influence this type of expense. To the extent where a cost cannot be managed it is indeed a non controllable, now for electricity, to the extent where consumption can be raised or lowered it becomes a controllable cost. If the consumption can be optimized through processes or equipments it then is a controllable cost.

What foods don't have fat a lot?

sauseges are the least fat food

Why do i snore?

cause your fat.

What does controllable profit mean?

Controllable profit measures managerial performance Divisional profit measures divisional performance.

ARe doritos nacho cheese healthy?

Afraid not. They are high in fat, and high in saturated fat (the kind of fat that can cause coronary Heart disease).

Does fat in food cause you to be fat?

it depends what food it is like trans fat in food is fat that you cannot loose

What is controllable spending?

Controllable spending is simply spending that a given manager has control over. Controllable spending is examined in evaluating the budget performance of the manager who had control, in seeing how well he managed costs for his unit.

What percent of your diets should be fat?

At least 20% of your diet should consist of fats.