What you can do is go on craigs list for your area and look. i know this might sound crazy because of the craigs list killer but talk to people about who your getting it from. or you could just build it yourself. I hope this helps. PS don't offer to buy anything online unless there is a ligitament picture.
The half of the water in Singapore is lost by evaporation.So Singaporeans buy pipes from Malaysia to take water from Malaysia through the pipes.
i would give half of it to charity and the rest of half i would keep for my house or problems
Scroll down to related links and look at "Half-pipe - Wikipedia".
You can buy them online. See the link.
the same age you have to be to buy tabacco. Its usually 18
Skateboarding on mini-ramps and half pipes
Get a plummer in or buy a plunger :)
go to ramps .com they have alot of plans for mini half pipes (:
The dealer.
yes because were would it sleep
yes,for park skating and mostly half pipes