During the war, it was the French "P" (Piasters).
5000 Vietnamese dong is equivalent to 0.23615 US dollars. 5000 Vietnamese dong is equivalent 0.174586 Euros. The Vietnamese dong has been the official currency of Vietnam since 1978.
The nam tram dong is also known internationally as the Vietnamese Dong.500,000 Vietnamese Dong equals 15.58 British pounds.500,000 Vietnamese Dong equals 19.78 euros.Conversion as at 15th May 2016, exchange rates change frequently.
100 US Dollar = 1,967,341 Vietnamese Dong 100 Vietnamese Dong (VND) = 0.005083 US Dollar (USD)
There is no information as of November 16, 2013 as to when the Vietnamese Dong will revalue.
Vietnamese Dong
It means money in vietnamese
The currency for Vietnam is Dong
Vietnamese Dong
the long-ding-dong gang
They use Dong
As of 10/16/2007, there are 32,707.38 Vietnamese dong to 1 British pound.