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In the Transatlantic slave trade, slaves were sent to Brazil, the Caribbean islands, and the British colonies in North America, which later became the United States. The United States outlawed the importation of slaves in 1808.

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Q: Where were the majority of African slaves sent to?
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The majority of African slaves were sent to?

The majority of African slaves were sent to the Americas, particularly to regions in the Caribbean, Brazil, and the Southern United States, to work on plantations producing labor-intensive crops like sugar, tobacco, and cotton.

Where were the majority of African slaves sent to in the Americas?

Slaves went from the south, to Canada through the underground railroad.

Where in the New World were the majority of African slaves sent?

The majority were off-loaded in the Caribbean islands to work on the sugar plantations.

Where were majority of the African slaves sent?

Mainly to the Caribbean and South America (Brazil and Columbia). Very few were sent to Central America and Mexico.

From which African countries were the majority of slaves brought?

the African countries were brought slaves were Uganda & rwanda

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what was the primary pattern used by the majority to deal with African Americans who came to the US as slaves

What were the majority workers in Virginia?

african americans because they were slaves

Where were African slaves sent if not to Colonial America?

Many African slaves were shipped to Jamaica. Others were sent to Haiti and other Caribbean Islands. Usually, they were sent to these islands to work in the sugar cane fields. And, of course, Southern plantation owners needed slaves.

Who besides African slaves were sent to work in North America aganst their will?

Convicted prisoners

Who became slaves during the 15th century?

Africans. Some African leaders sold their own people into slavery as a source of income, no matter the effects on the people. a majority of them were sent to Brazil, The Caribbean Islands, and Portugal.

How did people in the US view African slaves?

The majority of the population accepted slavery without reservation.

The majority of African slaves coming to the New World?

Were delivered to South America and the West Indies.