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Q: Where were Christmas trees first used?
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What did the first Christmas trees have instead of lights?

People used candles to light Christmas trees before there were electric lights.

What was the First year electric lights were used on Christmas trees?


When were Christmas Trees first placed in homes to celebrate Christmas?

the first Christmas trees were placed in homes in 1923

When were Christmas trees first introduced to the UK?

Christmas trees were introduced by the germans.One of the first christmas trees was introduced by Albert Saxcoburg,Queen Victoria's husband.

When did Christmas trees first become popular in England?

Christmas trees have been used during winter festivities since the ancient times. It is said that Martin Luther was the first to decorate a tree for the celebration of Christmas in England.

What year were Christmas trees invented?

Christmas trees first became popular in about 1850.

How were Christmas trees first lit?

Candles were used to decorate Christmas tress before the electric lights became available.

Does the UK use Christmas trees?

Yes, Christmas trees are used in the United Kingdom.

When did trees first become popular in England?

Christmas trees have been used during winter festivities since the ancient times. It is said that Martin Luther was the first to decorate a tree for the celebration of Christmas in England.

What do ordaments have to do with Christmas?

Ornaments aren't really a symbol of Christmas. They're just used to decorate Christmas trees. Christmas trees are a symbol for Christmas.

What were the first trees decorated with?

When Christmas Tree were first introduced in the UK, in Queen Victoria's time, lit candle were used to decorate the tree. Many a house fire was the result!the first christmas trees were decorated with berrys back in 1882

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