There are 10 licensed firearm dealers in Monroeville that will handle transfer of ownership for a fee. If you go to the Gunbroker website, and use the "find a FFL" function, you can put in your zip code, and it will show address, names, cost and phone numbers.
The address of the Monroeville Historical Society is: 606 Illini Drive, Monroeville, PA 15146-2359
8 miles
That is easy Mr.kolake JK I don't know
Ralph Michaels died August 5, 1988, in Monroeville, PA, USA.
Ken Macha was born September 29, 1950, in Monroeville, PA, USA.
Depending on the fare type purchased, a one-way fare from Bloomington (closest stop to Normal, Illinois) to Monroeville, Pennsylvania will cost approximately $102.96 - $131.00.
No published sn data.
absolutely NOT!!!!
In PA you have to be 21 to conceal carry (or carry loaded in your car) a handgun.
The owner will have to go to the DMV in Pennsylvania and get a replacement permit for the bike. He can then transfer the ownership to you, and you will take the transfer papers to the DMV in Maryland and register the bike in your name.
The gun and a receipt from the dealer.