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Contact the Browning Service Center at the link below.

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Q: Where to order parts for browning semi-22 rifle?
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Related questions

Ho2w do you find a magazine for a 30.06?

If this is a Browning rifle, contact the Browning Parts and Services Dept. at the link below.

What does bar really stand for other than the browning association rifle?

BAR stands for Browning Automatic Rifle, not browning association rifle.

Parts for Browning Arms rifle chambered for 7 mm Remington cartridges?

You need to contact a gunsmith

Where can you find peep sight parts to .22 cal browning rifle?

gun shop, gun show

Where can you get parts to repair a browning rifle?

Go to and look for an authorized parts dealer. Try Mid West Gun Works. Try

Is the stg44 or the browning automatic rifle better?

The Browning. No Contest there.

Browning automatic rifle serial 230785?

You will have to call Browning.

What is the age of a browning 22 cal rifle serial 8T1156?

This is a Browning .22 auto rifle made in 1968.

Looking for Browning Belgium 30-06 stock and other parts serial number 52472 L69?

Your best bet is to contact Browning Firearms through their customer service website. My standby for many parts, Numrich, does not list a stock for your rifle.

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What is the price range for a browning patient 300 magnum rifle?

What is the model and age of a Belgian Browning bolt action rifle with serial number 3L18062?

Your browning safari bolt action rifle was made by FN for browning in 1963.

When a Browning BLR 308 rifle with SER?

You will have to call Browning to find out.