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I got mine from target!

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Q: Where to buy Hell Kerbecs BD145DS?
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Should you buy meteo ldrago or hell kerbecs?

Definitely Hell Kerbecs yea hell kerbexs

What store can you buy the bey blade hell kerbecs at?

You could get Hell Kerbecs from EBay. Other than that I have no idea where. Sorry.

What store can you buy the bey-blade hell kerbecs at?

You could get Hell Kerbecs from EBay. Other than that I have no idea where. Sorry.

Can you buy hell kerbecs at toys r us?

you can

Where can you get Beyblade hell kerbecs?

You have to order it from Japan or if you live in Japan, just buy it there.

When will hell kerbecs wil come in India?

when hell kerbecs will come in india . I have to play with it

Who will hell kerbecs vs hades kerbecs?

they are the same beyblade

What are all of hell kerbecs moves?

Hell unleashed.

Where do you find hell Kerbecs?

In Japan

What is the name of hell kerbecs owner?


Where can you buy beybladcse Hell kerbecs?

You can buy it from or from eBay You can also but it at said so on Hasbro's website...Hope it helps... :)

Is hell kerbex better than gravity perseus?

yes hell kerbecs is better because it is the monster of defense types and hell kerbecs is also better than big bang peagasus