He's on the lefthand page near the bottom to the left of the two white shields with crosses on them.
On the very right hand bottom side! They both will have RED 'clocks'
On the very right hand bottom side! They both will have RED 'clocks'
Right between the two soldiers with extra long cloaks
he is on the aqueduct thing on the top in the middle reighthand side
he’s on top of a castle thing on the left hand side just right of the title thing
Its on the bottom right corner under the medical soldiers.......the shield is blue
The binoculars in "Where's Waldo in Hollywood" - Horseplay in Troy can be found on the left side of the page near the top, hidden behind the Trojan horse. Look for the horse with a troop of soldiers descending from its belly – the binoculars are located in that area.
left hand side underneath a blue soldier asleep on a shield with 4 stars on it to the right of the boat with the eye on it
She is near the 'Max-55-Speed' Shield that's next to the 'Hand' picture shield. On the Bottom right corner of the picture.
The white wizard is at the top far left tower of the castle. He is very small and hard to see. He is on the left page.
Look for the two horses next to the soldiers that have arrows in their shields. The third soldier with the broom will be right under those horses.