The setting of "All American Boys" by Jason Reynolds and Brendan Kiely takes place in a modern-day high school in an American town. The story unfolds through the perspectives of two teenagers, one Black and one White, dealing with issues of racism, police violence, and activism. The setting and events in the book reflect the complexities of race relations in contemporary America.
The setting of the book Boys are Dogs is at Birchwood middle school. Annabelle is with tones of different boys who gross her out. She came from an all-girls school and it was totally different from her new lifestyle.
the setting for the story is that the Lin family try to be Americanized
Yes. All the boys are from differents native American nations
hardy boyz
American boys are current day and native American boys were native in America back then!
its about Chinese people who move to America from china, and they are not accustomed to the American way.
No, the US currently has an all-volunteer military.
Miracle boys is in the projects of Manhattan in a rural area where people get killed everyday.
Miracle boys is in the projects of Manhattan in a rural area where people get killed everyday.
No it's called AMERICAN GIRL
The French setting on American movies is Canadian and not European.