The Winchester model 69 was never serial numbered.All gun manufactures were not required to serial number there firearms until the gun control act of 1968 was passed by the U.S.Goverment in that year,and started on January 1,1969.The Winchester model 69 was made from 1935-1963,and Winchester choose not to serial number these firearms.Winchester made 355,000 model 69,s.
It was manufactured very early in the year 1940, making it 69+ years old today.
If the serial number is truly just 2-digits (69 in this case), it was not originally manufactured as a 32 W.S. Winchester introduced the Model 1894 in late October of the year 1894, with just the 38-55 cartridge being offered. Serial number 69 was made in early November of the year 1894. The 32 W.S. (Winchester Special) cartridge was not created and introduced until October of the year 1901 (in the 120,000 serila number range).
Model 69A of Winchester was first introduced in November 1937. All 69 models were manufactured without serial numbers and production was stopped with to replacement model.
Comes after 67 and before 69. Winchester made a model 68.
Depends on condition, box, papers, etc... Could range from 100-1000
By the features and comparison to known dated models. They were not serial numbered, except for some foreign sales. the Model 69 was made 1935-1963.
No serial numbers were assigned to the model 69 and 69A. The 69 was introduced in 1935 and the 69A in 1937, so the 69 may well have been made in one of the first 3 years. Don Schimpff Redding, CA the 69a production was ceased in 1963
10-400 USD
Your Winchester model 69 can shoot the short,long,and long rifle 22.Your Winchester is selling for between 100-300 dollars depending on condition.