colt cobra 38 special serial number 139350
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1930. A Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
A Colt police positive .38 with that serial number was made in 1931 and a Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1928.
Serial number is needed to answer.
A Colt police positive special with that serial number was made in 1964.
Serial number S04926
A Colt official police special with that serial number ws made in 1947.
A Colt detective special with that serial number would be 83 years old. Made in 1928.
I found a Colt diamondback with that serial number made in 1971.
A Colt ds .38 special with the serial number C44027 without the S on the end was made in 1973.
Impossible to answer without the serial number.
On the butt