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There may not BE a serial number. SNs were not required by law on rifles and shotguns prior to the 1968 Gun Control Act. I have several from the 1940s and 50s in my collection that were never serialized- and yes, it is perfectly legal to own one.

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Q: Where is the serial number located on a long tom shotgun?
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It doesn't have one. Long arms manufactured before 1/1/69 were not required to be serialized in the US.

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No published sn data.

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Most of these guns wont have a serial number as they were made from 1938 to 1947, which was before they were required on long guns.

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A detailed description is needed. Is it a hand gun or a long gun? Revolver or Semi-auto? Bolt, pump, single shot or semi-auto rifle/shotgun? Serial number?

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They were made for a long time. If it has a serial number, it is post-1968.

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Serial numbers were not required on long arms before Jan 1, 1969. Most manufacturers did not assign serial numbers to small caliber rifles or utility shotguns.

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Impossible to answer with just the information you have provided. Is it a long gun or a hand gun? Rifle, shotgun, revolver, semi-auto?

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If it was manufactured after Dec 31, 1968, the serial number will be plainly marked on the receiver. There will be some numbers under the barrels, but they may serial numbers or just batch/lot numbers that will not help identify the date of manufacture. Serial numbers were not required on long arms in the US until 1969.

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Not likely to find one. Serial numbers weren't required on long arms until 1969 and this gun was made by Anciens Etablissment Pieper around 1910.

Where is the serial number located on a mossberg model 152 22 cal long rifle?

There IS no serial number. The Mdl 152 was made from 1968-1957. Serial numbers were not required on rifles and shotguns until the advent of the 1968 Gun Control Act. Does not have one, is not required to have one.