The Winchester Model 37 was not serialized (except for those that were exported out of country). The GCA of 1968 is what and when serial numbers became mandatory on all newly manufactured firearms. Production of the Model 37 ceased in 1963. Bert H.
were is the serial number at on a Winchester modal 94 3030 rifle
The serial number on a Winchester model 53 is on the bottom of the receiver, just behind the foregrip stock.
Bottom of the receiver
The serial number is located on the bottom forward edge of the receiver frame (forward of the lever).
CHeck the receiver very carefully
Check the receiver and barrel area.
On the lower tang behind the lever.
It could be any where from a single digit to a six figure serial number located on the rifle.
No, it was not. The serial number was only stamped on the bottom forward edge of the receiver frame.
Your question has used the serial number of your Winchester,not the Model number.Please include a description of your Winchester along with the model number,and the serial number to get a answer about your Winchester.