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It will be stamped into the side of the receiver.

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Q: Where is the model number located on a 270 Winchester?
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How old is a Winchester model 270 pump 22 with serial number 530365?

The Winchester model 270 was produced from 1963-1974.Winchester did not keep records of the production by year of these serial numbers.

Where would you find the serial number and model number on a 270 winchester?

On the barrel.

How old is Winchester model 270?

The best that I can do for you,is say that that the winchester model 270 was made by winchester between the years 1963-1974.Winchester did not keep yearly production figures on the model 270.It was grouped together as the model 200 series of rifles.

What year is Winchester model 270 serial number G1915381?

Post 1982

What year is Winchester model 70 .270 cal serial number 821082?

With the serial number that you have provided,your Winchester model 70 rifle was made in the year 1966.

What year was Winchester model 670 270 serial number made?

The Winchester model 670,and 670 Magnum models were only made from 1967-1973.

What is the Age and value of Winchester model 70xtr-270 serial number 81447867?

Go to and look at the Winchester sn data.

When was winchester 22 model 270 serial?

your winchester model 270,22cal gun was produced by winchester between 1963-1971.They did not keep yearly serial number records,so that is the best that I can do,sorry.

Is THEIR a 270 model rimington auto MODEL 4?

Remington never made the Model 4 in 270 Winchester.

What is the age model 70 ser 386384 WINChester 270?

Your serial number indicates that your Winchester model 70 bolt action rifle was made in the year 1956.

What year was a Winchester model 670 270 serial number 132227?

Your Winchester model 670 economy version of the model 70 bolt action rifle was made between 1967-1973.

What year was Model 70 Winchester in 270 win. made with Serial Number G2186440?

Post 81.