The fuses on a Yamaha R9 receiver is easy to find. The fuses are located inside the radio on the left hand side connected to the wall. You will have to take the radio apart to get to the fuses.
yamaha of course.
The Yamaha R-S700 is their best stereo receiver with Sirius satellite capability. It is not a surround receiver.
If it is plugged in and the power button is pressed, but it doesn't turn on, you may have a blown fuse. Take it to the dealer where you purchased it.
One can purchase a Yamaha AV receiver directly from the Yamaha site, resulting in the largest selection. In addition, many models can be found at retail sites like Amazon.
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Out of the two, the Yamaha RX-V663 is a better receiver than the Onkyo TX-SR608. Although, the Onkyo is a good AV receiver, it is not as powerful as the Yamaha receiver.
You have a dead short in the circuitry, somewhere. Most likely it's in the audio output stage where one of the amplifier IC's has gone bad. That couls have also daisy chained to the pre-amp circuit as well. Blown outputs are common in stereo equipment and may have been caused by a bad speaker, or crossover in the speaker and possibly nothing more than a shorted (or pinched) speaker wire.
Where is the fuse box on a 2002 1100 V star Yamaha
looking at what history says...R9 Is Way Better