He most likely goes to someplace near the International time line, where night is experienced first, so someplace around Japan.
Santa starts at the first kid who goes to bed and falls asleep!
The Lone Ranger and Santa Clause differ in one way. Santa Clause is a mythical character who goes from place to place to give out presents for the thousands of good for children. The Lone Ranger is a character who goes from place to place to protect and rescue the innocent or those unfairly treated.Thus, in psychological terms, Santa Claus is a "Giver-Hero" and The Lone Ranger is a "Protector-Rescuer-Hero".
he visits the villages in Antarctica then goes to the nearest country to Antarctica which is Alaska
scunthorpe (england)
Santa goes around on a Sleigh usually.
Oh, dude, they're both technically correct! "The first place goes to John" is commonly used in sports or competitions, while "The first prize goes to John" is more typical in award ceremonies. So, like, use whichever one fits the vibe you're going for. It's all good, man.
during the summer santa goes to Hawaii for a vacation and he sometimes goes to Europe
Santa Monica Gomez goes by "Santa" Monica.
Santa Monica Place was created in 1980.
Santa Fe Place was created in 1985.
Santa Claus goes by many names Kriss Kringle, Nicholas, Nick, ect... But Mrs. Claus first name is Martha.