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It is possible to get a consumer credit report at the Federal Trade Commission. The credit reports are free and a person can ask a free copy of the credit reports once every 12 months.

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Q: Where is it possible to get a consumer credit report?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a consumer credit report and a residential mortgage credit report?

a consumer credit report was more likely connecting to individuals as consumers,on the other hand,a residential mortgage credit report was simply focusing to the households considered as the consumer it self.

Why would checking your credit score effect your credit score?

{| |- | Requesting a credit report will NOT affect your credit. You have the right to look at your credit report without it affecting your credit or score. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit. The only time when requesting a credit report can affect your credit is when you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit. |}

What is meant by a credit report?

A credit report is a type of service that many different companies provide. A credit report means to allow a consumer to check their credit and spending history.

What information is included in a consumer credit report?

A consumer credit report consists of a persons personal information as well as their credit history and score which can be used by financial institutions and sometimes employers as well.

How does a credit check affect a credit score?

When you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit, it may affect your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit. But you have the right to look at your credit report without affecting your credit. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit.

How do you report someone to a credit agency?

Consumers don't report their own credit history to credit reporting agencies - Lenders do. However, you can file a consumer alert with each of the agencies that will put your statement on file.

Does checking your credit report once a year through all three credit agencies lower your credit score?

No and by law you can do it once a year for free at Annualcreditreport.comAnswer: {| |- | No. Requesting a credit report will NOT affect your credit. You have the right to look at your credit report without it affecting your credit or score. When you request your credit report it's called a "consumer pull" and has no affect on your credit. The only time when requesting a credit report can affect your credit is when you ask a possible creditor to inquire about your credit. This is because it implies that you're possibly opening a new line of credit.|}

Where can one find information on a credit report?

To find information on a credit report, you can go online and asks websites like Equifax or Consumer Products to help you with your credit report troubles.

What companies offer a my free credit score report?

Several companies offer a free credit score report. These companies include Free Credit Store, Annual Credit Report, Consumer FTC Gov, and Credit Karma.

What are the 3 categories of consumer credit?

The three types of accounts on a consumer credit report are installment accounts, revolving credit and open accounts. Credit cards are considered revolving accounts.

How do credit repair agencies get 30 day late entries removed from the consumer's credit report?

Valid entries cannot be expunged from the consumer's credit report by a credit repair agency or by the consumer themselves, they will remain on the report for the required time period. Furthermore, such agencies cannot do anything that the consumer could not do themselves. That being the case, the consumer should not waste funds paying for a service that is often misleading, unproductive and unfortunately in some situations totally unethical. Actually, the above answer is not correct. According to the Fair Credit Reporting Act of 2003, if the consumer disputes the late payment and the creditor reporting the late payment on the credit report can not prove that the consumer made the payment late, the negative mark must be removed or corrected on the report immediately.

Where can one find information on obtaining a free consumer credit report?

Use sites such as consumer and consumerfinance. They come up with great strategies and places for a free credit report. Also check in with local authorities like the police to guide you to a great path for credit report.