No, but afroman is
Afroman is 6'1"
Afroman was born on July 29, 1974.
Afroman's birth name is Joseph Mortimer Foreman.
Afroman (Joseph Foreman) is 42 years old (birthdate: July 29, 1974).
hes alive
Afroman still tours in the upper 48 states. He does not do airplanes so shows across the pond are out of the question.
Yes, of course Afroman is still alive. He just released his album "Frobama". You can also find him on myspace && facebook.
On Afroman's song "Sag Your Pants" he sings about doing the crip walk....I would have to say that Afroman is a crip. Blue and White.
he's a crip
yes they do