A good place to look for an Afghan chat program are in places such as the following: WebCrawler, Afghan Online, AfghanWeb, File Transit and as well as at PalTalk.
kidzbop.com is a safe website for kids by kids iddin is great for live chat.
Online Chat Room's
WooMe.com is a very good place to video chat. It depends how old you are. or if you have a facebook chatablanca.com its got a lot of cool extras too!
There are several sites that cater to wide varieties of chat users, including college students. Omegle, while not being directly college student based, is a good place to meet college students. Chat-Avenue is also a good site, as it has a specific area for college chat.
In Afghan Dari, you can say "Sobh bekheir" to greet someone in the morning.
Afghan is not a language. Most people in Afghanistan speak Pashto and/or Dari.
You should try TanglerLive.com. Nice place to chat, especially in order to bring your friends and contacts!
There are none. people die. is that good?
That's a good question , well for example. Afghanistan afghan stands for the people istan means place so Afghanistan means afghan place Tajikistan tajik place Uzbekistan Uzbek place etc. I hope this answered you're I question
Pashto songs are found on Afghan blogs, videos and Afghan web directories. If looking for good lyrics or want to learn hot to sing Pashto songs, contact your local Afghan cultural center or meetup group.
they could be trained to be.
kidswirl is a good place were you can get your hole family involved