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It should automatically save in the downloads folder.

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Q: Where does your music save when you download it?
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How can i download music off you tube to save on my files?

you cant. unless you illegaly download files from download sites

How do you save music onto your computer from the internet?

varies where you get the music from. You can buy albums and songs on Itunes. You can download from You can choose where you want to save the music. But this is a crime.

Can you save the music from a YouTube video and into your my music file?

No. But go to Imesh or and download imesh.

How do i keep music on my phone?

Keeping music on the phone is easy. All you have to do is download the music and save it to your SD card.

Where can you download free songs?

Spotify music supports to enjoy music with a free account. Save music with AudiCable Audio Recorder. You can keep the download Spotify music for free offline forever.

How do you download sheet music from

If you just click 'download' it will open a new window with a Lego cube in it and not do anything. Right click 'download' and then choose 'download linked file as...' Choose where to save it then click save. And your done.

How do you download music in your computer?

Try sites like and use save as or google your song mp3 and save it to a library

What website can you download music onto a usb for free with no download?

well any site that ha free mp3 downloads to save it to a usb drive save it to removable disk

Where can you download music on IEEM?

You can download music from ieem by copy the link of the music you want to download located in the address bar of your browser then paste in in the link box of a then click on Get file button. After that, you will see the message:"Right click on the URL to save the file". Now you are getting to it! The link of the music you want to download is displayed under this message. Finally, you have to click on that link to download or right click on it and then choose Save as...For fast downloading, I recommend you to use Internet Download Manager!Hope it will help and answer you what you want!:)

Are you able to download music online and use it on itunes?

Yes. All you have to do is download whatever music and save it onto your computer. Then right click it and press 'open with' and itunes should be an option

How do you download free music without virus?

Go to, there you can save music videos off youtube, then go to and download it, then you can convert your video to an mp3. Enjoy!

How do you download music from a website to windows media player?

You can try by Right-Clicking and selecting "Save Target As..."