Ink comes from the latin work "inka" which means "decendent of the octopus" tattoo ink comes from underwater squids and octopuses Ink comes from the latin work "inka" which means "decendent of the octopus" tattoo ink comes from underwater squids and octopuses
they used pen ink ;D hope i helped :D
A tattoo of a Sawastika
Crucified by society (smaller version of the skinhead on the cross tattoo), Jailhouse tattoo, Homemade tattoo - are normally the meaning it.
Tattoos, even one of a calf, do not have specific meanings. The meaning of a tattoo varies among the person getting the tattoo.
The Black Tattoo was created on 2006-09-07.
No, tattoo ink isn't flammable.
No, tattoo ink does not typically contain iodine. Tattoo ink is made up of pigments and carriers that are specifically designed for use in the skin. Iodine is not a common ingredient in tattoo ink.
Yes, mixing tattoo ink is done every day in the tattoo studio. It works pretty much just the same as mixing any other kinds of ink.
If you pick at the scab before the tattoo heals, then there will be damage to the tattoo. I had to get my first tattoo touched up because of this
only if you use blood red
MOM'S Ink, Skin Candy, Intenze, and Kuri Sumi. These are the only tattoo inks I trust and are most popular. Use the wrong tattoo ink and you'll get a crappy faded tattoo.
Go to any tattoo shop and they should have ink for sale!
You should not use "homemade" tattoo ink, it is not safe.
Every good tattoo shop will keep that a secret, so i assume Miami ink will do the same.
Let me have a bottle of black ink and you want to do a red tattoo. The ONLY way you can do a red tattoo is to use red ink. No amount of dilution will make black ink red.
It depends on what type of ink your talking about so let's start with the tattoo ink tattoo ink stays on forever and if you do get a lot of tattoo's you can catch a an infection or something like that. Now for the pen or marker who can catch ink poisoning for it more quicker than tattoo ink it can give rashes and they can be very annoying ata some point of so basically all ink is even the octopus ink