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A tattoo on the bony parts are rather painful for example the ribs skull and shin.

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Q: Where does it hurt less to get a tattoo?
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Does shading and coloring of tattoos hurt less then outlining?

No, it hurts more because they are filling in the entire tattoo.

Does getting a tattoo hurt worse that getting navel pierced?

It depends on where you get it, some places hurt less, some hurt a LOT more. The spine or the feet are especially painful.

Does Suboxone increase tattoo pain?

In my experience, no. I had my third tattoo done while I was on Suboxone, and it didn't hurt any more (or less, for that matter) than the previous two did.

Where is the least painful area to get a tattoo?

It depends on how sensitive your skin is, but mainly the bottom and anywhere there is a collective of fat or muscle might hurt as less, but it WILL still hurt, only that it will hurt not as much.

Where does it not hurt to get a tattoo done?

My tattoo on my wrist didnt really hurt and I've been told shoulder tattoos don't hurt

If i have to make a permanent tattoo will it hurt?

yes it will hurt

If you get a tattoo on your lower waist will it hurt?

Almost all tattoos hurt. It is the skill of the tattoo artist that adds or subtracts from the pain.

Would a tattoo on the back of your shoulder or directly below the bikini bottom line hurt too bad?

The bigger they are, the worse they hurt. The shoulder is slightly less sensitive than the abdomen. And it hurts even worse when you change your mind. UPDATED ANSWER If you're having the tattoo on your bottom, it will hurt a lot when you sit down.

Does it hurt to get a tattoo on the back of your leg?

Yes, tattoos hurt no matter what area of the body they are on. Some areas hurt less than others, but an area that is very painful to one person may be mild to someone else. The back of the leg will typically hurt less than the front, since the front is closer to bone. Fleshier areas hurt less than when working on bone.

When get wrist tattoo hurt?


Does a tattoo on your bum hurt?


Does a tattoo on the top of your hand hurt?

well its a tattoo so it not exactly compfortable