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when you gain weight your adding fat on your body when you loose weight its going away and making your body sweat which meas your loosing weight

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Q: Where does fat go first when you gain weight?
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Do you gain weight before you lose it?

It depends if you get fat then go on a diet, or if you lift weights, you gain muscle,and muscle weighs more than fat.

Why do children be fat?

because the calories in food go's to your body and when you eat to much you begin to gain weight

Where is it common to lose weight at on your body?

This is down to genes, generally its good rule of thumb that you will lose the weight from the places which have most recently gained the weight, e.g. if your stomach has had fat on for awhile but you have started to gain fat recently on your arms and legs, you will lose it from these places first before your belly fat starts to go. - Exercises done will not determine where you lose the fat.

How can I gain fat I've been skinny since birth and am tired of it?

There is a few ways you can gain weight. You can eat more or go to the doctor and see what they can do.

Do calories make you gain weight?

Yes, if you go over your daily maintenance(the amount of calories your body burns of daily) you will gain weight. If you can keep it at the same level you will maintain weight and if you go under your daily maintenance you will loose weight.

Does weight gain in the first trimester go to your hips and thighs?

It can do yes. Weight gain during pregnancy can go anywhere hun. Hips, thighs, bottom, adbomonen etc.

How much weight do you gain on your period?

Normally only maybe 3 pounds. This weight is actually just retained water. It is not fat weight. It will go away as your hormones change after your period.

What is the difference between trying to lose weight and trying to lose fat?

People generally seek to lose fat, which, of course, generally lowers your weight. However, muscle weighs more than fat. It is possible to go down in dress size but actually gain weight if one loses fat and replaces it with muscle.

How can you lose fat on your arms and gain muscle?

Well....the first thing you have to do is lose weigh...enough to where you can feel beautiful about yourself. Then once you have loss your ideal weight start working out at the gym. There you go in a matter of time you will have nice arms.

How many calories a body builder eat a day?

Look up your basic caloric needs based on your body weight (google 'daily caloric needs') and then add 200-500 for reasonable paced growth and up to a thousand if you're willing to gain larger amounts of fat. You will gain some amount of fat as you go regardless and it is not recommended to go beyond 18% body fat when looking to gain muscle. Anyone who claims you will not gain fat in the process is either misrepresenting how mass gain works or implying you should be taking anabolic steroids.

Is it possible to gain 7 kg in 3 weeks and if so then how?

If you are trying to acheive weight gain , go and see a weight lifting and health store they will have what you need . do not try eating high sugar and high fat foods to gain your liver will not be happy and you can cause damage .

Can you gain weight and make it only go to your breasts?

No. When you gain weight, you gain it allover and cannot target specific spots. If anything, weight gain is targeted to spots you don't want it to - hips, butt, thighs.