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it was originated at pagadian city Philippines

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Q: Where does cloudfone cellphones originated?
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What country does cloudfone originate?

The country that started Cloudfone is the Philippines. The company specializes in cloud-based IP telephony or Voice over IP (VoIP).

How do you upgrade android of the cloudfone thrill?

You can upgrade the Cloudfone Thrill on an android device by accessing the android's app market and locating the app in question. From here, you can either click "uninstall" or "upgrade".

Can you recycle cellphones?

Yes you can recycle old cellphones.

Can cellphones hurt you?

Yes cellphones can give you canser

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With great connections nowadays, people usually use cellphones. Cellphones are more like of

Why are people using cellphones?

"cellphones" are useful to us because it can be our recreation..

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Definetly cellphones! You can find one with a camera, right?

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Cellphones can cause mental issues from getting a message from the brain to your body.

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Who invented the cellphones?

== ==

How many kids in the US own cellphones?

I do and im 13...ther is a lot of kids who have cellphones