He is sponsored by his local class 3 gun shop/dealer, they let him barrow the gun to help them get more traffic on their website/business.
A Russian Man who makes videos about Shooting Things with various guns or Cod videos
No, FpsKyle is who FpsRussia is and he is one of his personas that he created after the Main character in CoD: WaW. His old youtube channel is Klm5986. Yes, FpsRussia is FpsKyle.
He lives in Georgia
An official fan phone number for FPSRussia is not known. See the Related Link to go to his YouTube channel.
Because in russia pumpkin carve you!
They probably won't, I have FPSRussia on the job.
he goes by the name of dimitri but he's real name is kyle
The usernames of: Smosh. FPSrussia. Raywilliamjohnson. Tobuscus. Freddiew. Dominicfear
Sxephil kassemG Timothydelaghetto destorm ibeshucks FpsRussia Epicmealtime makemebad35 sourcefed
1. you 2. are 3. gay thats all of the guns :)
My guess would be on the video "Real Life RC-XD" by FPSRussia with over 20k views