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Usually on the persons back or back of the head.

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11mo ago

Typically, your hands can rest on the person's upper back or shoulders during a hug. Adjust your hand placement based on your comfort level and the nature of your relationship with the person you are hugging.

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Are relationships about holding hands hugging and kissing?

No, its about sharing emotions and ideas.

Can you tell if a guy likes you from hugging if so how do you know?

Oh my god. you like so can. Where are his hands? It's all in the hands.

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you put it out by hugging what ever is on fire

Am I hugging my boyfriend right-My hands midback and his hands on my shoulders?

When you hug your boyfriend you put your arms around his shoulders and his arms around your waist. RE: Well wiki queen that is not comfortable for us. Idk why but it just not when he and are same height lol

What should your hands be doing when hugging your bf?

they should be below the shoulders, but above the waist :D

How can things be official for a boy and girl to be together?

dating and possible holding hands hugging and or kissing

What are the 6 common greetings?

shaking hands,air kissing,bowing,hugging,and of course saying hello

Why won't your school let you hold hands with your boyfriend?

It is because we are still young and not suitable for all this sort of "action" like kissing , hugging and holding hands

How does a boy make a girl horny?

one thing that makes 99.99% of boys horny is if you ask them to spank them. if that doesn't work try hugging them, then (while hugging), take their hands and put them on ur butt or take one when ur done hugging and put it on ur pussy or down ur pants (front or back).

Can aids spread through kisses?

You can't get HIV from kissing. It's also not spread by hugging or shaking hands.

How can the boy you like but he flirts with you and stuff hold hands and hugs?

If you like him, then why are you worrying about him holding your hands or hugging you. If you want to get serious with him, drop him signals here and there or maybe propose him.