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Q: Where do you get spud guns from?
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Related questions

Are spud guns illegal?

Spud guns are generally legal in the US. They require approval from the BATFE.

Do Stealth bombers carry machine guns?

No they carry spud guns

Where can one see videos of spud guns online?

Spud gun videos can be viewed on Ultimate Spud Gun, YouTube, Stupid Videos, Dailymotion, Metacafe, Break, HowStuffWorks, Pinkbike, and Spud Gun Depot.

What brand of hairspray is best in spud guns?

the best hairspray to use is the cheap stuff at the dollar store or like a very flammable substance.

Do spud guns shoot out whole potatoes?

Depends. There is the large potato gun/ potato cannon/ spud gun. These are several feet long, and shoot a whole potato. However, in the 1950s, there was a toy also called a Spud Gun. It used air pressure to shoot a very small sliver of potato a few feet. They were generally red plastic, and about 3 inches long.

What is kahuna's spud?

A kahuna's spud is a taro.

What is a 'spud'?

"Spud" is a colloquial term for a potato.

How does spud gun work?

a spud gun comes in tow varieties. one is called a pneumatic and the other is some other thing. pneumatic spud guns have a barrel, a valve and a tank. The tank is filled with compressed air and then, after inserting the potato, the valve is opened, sending the spud flying. The other kind. People that end up blowing themselves up is a barrel directly hooked to a tank with no valve. Some combustible substance is put in the tank (hairspray) and ignited, creating an explosion, pushing the potato out of the barrel

When did Spud's Adventure happen?

Spud's Adventure happened in 1991.

When was Spud Johnson born?

Spud Johnson was born in 1860.

When did Spud Murphy die?

Spud Murphy died in 2005.

When was Bud the Spud created?

Bud the Spud was created in 1969.