There is actually a publication called the "Blue Book of Gun Values." It is widely sold.
You can also consult a reputable retail gun store for information on gun values.
Blue Book of Gun Values
Value depends on condition. Check the blue book for your guns value.
Library, gun show, gun shop, on line
Basic reference.
Blue Book of Gun Values
You can get an idea about the VALUE of a gun from publications like the Blue Book of Gun Values or the Standard Catalog of Firearms. The PRICE will be written on the tag hanging from the gun in the pawn shop. Only you can determine what its value is to you.
The Library
According to the Blue Book at, it is grouped under "general guns worth less than $100.00"
Any where from $150.00 to $1200.00. The blue book is way off on these. If you can buy 80% guns for $350 I will take all of them.
The gun was manufactured in 1971. I would suggest looking in the blue book of guns for the actual value.
BLue Book of Gun Values
There are several. The Blue Book of Gun Values, Gun Trader's Guide, etc.