In New Zealand its printed on the bottom of the can. But every country could be different...
You might notice that they don't taste quite as good as kippered herring that had just been canned.
There is no magic date. It will depend on the quality of the food to begin with, the quality and type of container and the subsequent handling and storage thereof. Even canned, food will degrade and change color, texture and flavor. I have used some items that were a year past the coded date. They were edible, but I could tell the difference when compared to newer product. Many canned foods are coded with 2 and even 3 year shelf lives. But for best quality and nutrition, plan to use canned goods within a year. If you are trying to maintain a cache of canned foods, use product throughout the year and replace it with fresh stock. Use the FIFO method - First In First Out. Always use the oldest items first.
Most canned foods don't have an exact expiration date. Unless they were improperly canned, they are not degrading in the same way uncanned food does - but they will deteriorate in nutrition and quality. If the can has a best-by date on it, try to use it before then. If not, try to use it within a year of purchase. If home-canned, try to use it before the next harvest. As always, check canned goods for signs of spoilage before using them.
Yes it is a best before date, not a use by date. It might be less papatable and have lost it's fizz.
Yes canned tuna fish does have a expiry date on it.
it depends on if its canned or not. if its canned usually you can. if its bottled or in a bag its good for 2-3 after the experation date.
The code printed on the bottom of a Pepsi can..... Aug 01 05 2112WT102543 Aug 01 05 - Best Used By Date 2112 - [9:12 PM] Time Of Day Canned WT - Canner Watertown WI 10/25/4 - Actual Date Canned 3 - Plant Shift When Can Was Made
Maybe. Very likely it would still be good until at least February 2017, and as late as May 2017. This is 6 to 9 months after the BEST BY date. But canned soda has been found "acceptable" as late as 2 years after the BEST BY date, although it begins to go flat or stale by then. * Best By dates on Coca-Cola canned products are typically 18 to 24 months from the production (canning) date, depending on the product content.
no, canned fruit expires in can faster than other canned foods. Follow the expiration.
It would be the date the product was produced or canned.