

Best Answer

you need a water hose and a special piece

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Q: Where do you fill super soaker splashzooka with water?
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What is a soaker tub?

Most bathtubs can fill to about 14 inches high. A soaker tub is deeper, allowing the bather to more fully submerge their body. Soaker tubs are generally much more expensive---but consider making your own using a "stock tank" (a livestock drinking trough). These are available at farm supply stores such as Tractor Supply Co.

How much money did Lonnie Johnson get for inventing the super soaker?

He created it because he was sick and he needed an easier way 2 drink water other than from a cup This isn't in any site or books I've read- he invented the idea for the Super Soaker one day on accident in his kitchen. He was playing with a pump he had recently made for an aircraft air conditioner. (He was in the Air Force) When he hooked the pump up to his kitchen sink to see jow powerful it was, it shot across the room at high spped and hit the curtains hard enough to shake them. When he made an easier-to-use version for his daughter, the neighborhood went wild, and after putting out the patent, he began to mass manufacture the toy to the public.

How do you write a sentence with fill?

Please fill the ewer with water.

How do you get to cronna mt in super Maro sunshine?

what I did was I had like 86 shine sprits total then the whole area will be fill with water and you go to the back of the shine gate.

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When you put water in a glass you ---- it up Rhymes withpill and fall?

When you put water in a glass you fill it up.

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You fill up the balloon by asking G for the super helium.

How do I win circus soaker on wimpy board walk?

You have to aim for the little hole in his mouth with the little hose. There are to other people lets just say computers are playing aganst you. If you fill your balloon first and it burst you've won. You will get your prize.

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i want to fill out an application for enployment at the ocean city nj super fresh

Can you fill your lawn tractor tires with weight?

You can fill them with water.

What will 250 liters of water fill?

It will fill a large bathtub.

How do you fill the bucket with water on vampire curse island?

You use the water from the gaiser to fill up the bucket. :-)