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Q: Where do you buy metal masters beyblades?
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Where can you buy twisted tempo for rupees 350 in India?

You can get it now anywhere in malls or in any other toy store even other metal masters beyblades

How do you get a Metal Face face bolt for Beyblades?

you can buy galaxy perseus or buy it at toys are us

How many beyblades are there in beyblde metal fusion and beyblade metal masters?

Well they keep making new ones so as long as the show goes on who knows.

How many Beyblades have metal tips?

All the Metal series Beyblades do.

Where can you fing metal fusion beyblades in Karachi?

witch store in Karachi can you buy serpent

How many beyblades are there in metal masters?

There are over 40 unique Beyblade tops introduced in the Beyblade Metal Masters series. These tops vary in design, special abilities, and characteristics to create a wide range of options for battles.

Where to buy Beyblades in Bangkok?

I dont really know where to buy BeyBlades but I did buy some of my BeyBlades around Bankok just keep looking at every shop

Are Beyblades metal plastic?

No there metal not plastic the top has plastic

When will there be metal fury Beyblades on


How many metal fusion Beyblades are there?

a lot....

What happens to ryuga after Beyblades finishes?

i dunno maybe he died or lived on his life or maybe he just continued to be evil or maybe hes just in beyblade metal masters (Ididn't watch it).