Sadly, Lego Batman is not manufactured any more, however a great place to buy Lego Batman is Ebay.
They sell it online at walmart.
they do
There are many online websites that sell Lego Batman toys. Amazon and eBay both are two sites where Batman Lego toys are sold and can be purchased from.
yeah and toys r us should sell them
your nan sells legless Lego robins, but batmans are for the special people and you need to get an invite to a special Lego batman giving seminar:)
They have new LEGO Superhero Batman sets, though old LEGO Batman sets they don't really sell in stores anymore but I'm sure you can pick it up off eBay or Amazon.
I'm afraid Lego Batman sets are no longer manufactured any more. You can still by them though off sites like eBay and Amazon.
Yes, you can get Lego Batman for the PC.
There were no Lego Batman sets released in 2009. Lego discontinued the Batman sets after 2008.
LEGO Harry Potter! Duh!
you can get the lego batman bio suit and the lego robin bio suit in a new lego batman set released in 2013