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In shopping malls and department stores!

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Q: Where do poor people shop?
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Where did Aztec poor people get clothes from?

a shop

How poor is mike Bolton?

very poor he shop at oxfam !!!

Why do they provide a poor site for a regional shopping centre in London?

Because some people are sick and they can shop online

What is the poorest group of people?

poor people in brazil live in the streets and under shop shelters and most of them die over night because of the animals

Can a kid get a job in a shop?

That depends on which country they are in and how poor it is

What are the important scene from the Tale of Two Cities?

The cask of wine spilling in front of the wine shop. and the people begin to drink the wine off the ground. it shows how poor the people in france are.


The poor shoemaker lived with his wife in a home with a shoe repair shop in it. The story was written in the past as typically people do not do to shoemakers anymore.

How do poor people lost money?

poor people have not money

Are there poor people in Cambodia?

There are poor people in every country.

Where do rich people shop?

they shop in a rich shop

Rich people need it poor people have it?

Rich people need it poor people have it

Is there poor people in Libya?

There is not a country in the world without poor people