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Kids sit on Santa's lap in a cozy Santa's grotto to tell him about their Christmas wishes.

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14y ago

You can find ' Santa Claus ' or Santa's Helpers at stores like Wal-Mart or malls all around. He starts meeting kids in some places around the end of November to the beginning of December.

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On his lap.

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Q: Where do kids sit and tell Santa about their Christmas wishes?
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Where do children sit and tell Santa about their Christmas wishes?

On Santa's lap.

Why do kids send Santa letters?

Kids send letters to Santa as a way to express their wishes and dreams for Christmas. It's a fun tradition that allows children to share their excitement and anticipation for the holiday season. Plus, writing to Santa is a way for kids to practice their writing skills and creativity.

How do you tell Santa about Christmas wishes?

send him a letter, or just talk to him like you talk to god but without praying. EX: boy: santa, i want a puppy for x-mas.

Where do children tell Santa about their Christmas wishes?

The children will tell Santa what they want for Christmas, if their parents take them to see Santa at a Grotto. Or the children may write a letter to Santa. When most houses had coal-fires, a child could toss their letter into the flames, so sending their Christmas wish up the chimney. Nowadays, with central heating, letter are posted into a mail box.

Ho ho ho. Merry Christmas kids. This is Santa Claus. Ho ho ho ho HO ho ho ho ho HO ho ho ho ho. Merry Christmas. What do you want for Christmas kids. Tell me now. Come on. Tell Santa what you want?

A cherry

Is there a website that will tell you what Santa got you for Christmas?


What is the best way to tell your kids about Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny if you don't believe in lying but think it's okay for kids to have a harmless fantasy to believe in?

Tell your kids that ... Santa and the Easter bunny Are not real butt they still exist in there hearts and they were only ment to bring joy and fun to Christmas and Easter

How many santa clauses makes one elf?

children! Santa wanted to say that Christmas is canceled this year.=( I wasn't supposed to tell them? Kids Christmas insn't canceled! (UHUM UHUM) (COUGH COUGH) (SNEEZE SNEEZE) Seeyah

Do parent put presants under the trees or does santa?

i think parents do because ive been shopping with mine for my little sisters presents and every year ive been with them what they bought at the store is exactly what is under the tree on Christmas day.Of course i don't tell my sisters this but they''ll know soon enough i remember when i belived in santa it was great! but i think older kids should not tell younger kids he is not real i mean c'mon let them have a little fun on Christmas if they knew it wasnt from santa it would never be the same to them so older kids please don't tell your little siblings or little cusions or kids next door:) oh and merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

How do you tell Christmas wishes in french?

Joyeux Noël = Merry Christmas Bonne Année = Happy New Year

Does Santa have a real wife?

Since santa is just a character parents tell their kids is real but really he is just make believe. So no santa does not have a wife, how i know santa is not real one Christmas when i already knew he wasn't real my father could not provide a huge Christmas for me and my sister but we loved it anyway. If santa were real there would have been more presents under the tree so no he does not have a wife since he is not real Since santa is just a character parents tell their kids is real but really he is just make believe. So no santa does not have a wife, how i know santa is not real one Christmas when i already knew he wasn't real my father could not provide a huge Christmas for me and my sister but we loved it anyway. If santa were real there would have been more presents under the tree so no he does not have a wife since he is not real

What do you tell your kids when they ask is Santa real?

Personally, I'd tell them the truth.