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In about the 14th century an old man was spotted to be a very wise man who was very kind a gave gifts to everyone he knew , That old mas real name was St Nicholas or St Nic as his closest friends called him.

One day the Pip (FBI) spotted him trying to throw presents through there office window..... the chief constable (Mr chifwite) spotted him and thought he was a spy from Another Country so the next day he got his toughest and strongest soldjiers to capture him and put him in the dungeons

And so they did. Later that night When St Nic was in the dungeons a wise head sheaperd named pete found out and quickly unlocked hum as he knew that St Nicholas was non spy, but just a kind old man. so he released him and they became friends delivering presents to mainly children but adults to

but the story goes on from there .. because that was just the start ....

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