The word `marijuana' is a Mexican slang term which became popular in the late 1930's in America, during a series of media and government programs which we now refer to as the `Reefer Madness Movement.' It refers specifically to the of cannabis, which Mexican soldiers used to smoke.
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
From the term "a viking", which means to go raiding.
because the lane is painted unlike the rest of the hardwood
"Hispanic" comes from the Latin name for the peninsula that includes Spain and Portugal, "Hispaniola."
The term southpaw developed from the fact that left-handed pitchers face south because baseball diamonds are laid out with home plate to the west. The term has been traced back to 1885.
Where did the term derby originate?
The term Pogrom did not originate during the Holocaust.
The technical term for a joint is a "Marijuana cigarette".
Weed is a slang (or street, rather) term for marijuana.
Marijuana is thought to have originated in the middle east millions of years ago. Marijuana use has been documented as far back as Egyptian times being used for both its hemp producing and pshycoactive qualities.
"G" is not a significant term in paintball.
Horse racing