When a guy named john said he was a toilet so i guess it just stuck
Its a spinoff of the phrase "Signing you John Hancock". John Hancock had the biggest signature on the American Declaration of Independence.
the phrase hit the sack came from Germany.
donkey cow
yes it is going to come out
Where did the saying great ceasars ghost come from
Both, depending on if the phrase is the subject of the sentence or the object: John and I are going to study. But you can also study with John and me.
"COME AND SEE" IN THE GOSPELUsing the King James Version of The Bible, the phrase "Come and see" appears only in the gospel of John, specifically in:* John 1:39 - "He saith unto them, Come and see." * John 1:46 - "Philip saith unto him, Come and see." * John 11:34 - "They said unto him, Lord, come and see."
It comes from the movie Full Metal Jacket.
Come va? is an Italian equivalent of the English phrase "How's it going?"Specifically, the adverb come means "how." The verb va means "(He/she/it) does go, goes, is going, (formal singular You) are going, do go, go." The pronunciation is "KOH-meh vah."
The phrase "Come and see" can be found in the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verse 39 when two disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus where he is staying, and Jesus responds, "Come and see." This invitation signifies an invitation for the disciples to experience and witness the life of Jesus firsthand.
"The Longest Yard"
Its a spinoff of the phrase "Signing you John Hancock". John Hancock had the biggest signature on the American Declaration of Independence.
It depends. Are you and John the object or are you the subject? If the two of you are the subject, it is John and I (John and I are going to the mall.) If the two of you are the object, it is John and me (You should come with John and me.) If you are fluent in English, a simple test is to toss John out of the sentence. Does 'Me am going to the mall,' sound right? How about 'You should come with I.' Once you determine that 'I am going to the mall' or 'You should come with me' you then invite John back into his proper place in the sentence and when you get to the mall, treat him to lunch to make up for tossing him out.
The whispered phrase in "Come Together" by The Beatles is "shoot me" - the word "me" is mostly muffled by a handclap.
me and him.