They were chained together with ankle chains in the holds of ships. It was so crowded and dank that often people died each night on the ship.
they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships they transported the slaves back by ships
In the hold of the ship, crammed next to each other. Often in chains.
they either sleep spoon ways which has no space to breath or loose packed were ther's space they would only be loose packed if only the captain wants more slaves to survive to make a profit.
Slaves of Sleep was created in 1948.
1000 slaves
Slaves of Sleep has 206 pages.
Slaves were manacled and packed tightly into the holds of the slave ships.
I don't know but i think the slaves on a plantation sleep in poo!
No. No slaves were involved.
none the slaves did not own ships